Thursday, April 28, 2011

new girl.

I think I really like my new co worker.  She's younger than me, in fact she's replacing me as the youngest person in the department (which doesn't matter to me but in the pink collar industry youth is everything and it is ruffling at least one person's feathers, IMO) and she's also a JCC student (my boss thought I'd like her for this very reason, though I wasn't so sure) who does online classes because she has been working full time since high school.  She's a business major who hates school so I didn't think we'd have much in common (although I'd hate school if I was a business major) but apparently she is a big reader and as soon as she heard me on the phone discussing the book club meeting she busted out her favorite book, so it would appear she reads and rereads and actually has decent taste.  (She's also a big fan of the Book Exchange.) Then, when another coworker invited me to a botox party (. . . . .) the conversation somehow turned into a discussion about rich wives who have their own reality shows and complain about having to sell off one of their houses, I've never seen the show, but I liked her take on the ridiculousness of it all.

She lamented the fact that all she does is work and then does school work and how her boyfriend complains about it all the time but how she wasn't going to quit for him.  I didn't have the heart to tell her that school will become The Other Man in your relationship and destroy you as a couple, so instead I just nodded and felt a strange comforting sensation that can only be described as "misery loves company."

Now, back to course evaluations!   

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