Monday, February 28, 2011

"scattering their rich guts across the galaxy"

I don't know what I was thinking jumping off a a pile of snow onto the slippery sidewalk I just know that I landed on my hand, knee, and twisted my leg to the side. Since someone saw me I jumped up real quick. Had there been no one around I probably would have been much slower to get up. That's my first metaphor for life. Or something. Later, I was so busy with the stinging pain and the cleaning the blood out of my business suit that I completely missed the slowly swelling ankle until I started dragging my leg behind me like a dead corpse. That is my second metaphor my life. Or something. But maybe it was just a small price to pay to the universe because upon arriving home I learned that my math test really was extended and I am GOLDEN. I am the happiest student alive!

Now if only astrophysicist and television host Neil DeGrasse Tyson would tutor me in Astronomy.

I watched this amazing video from BBC 4 on the moon which actually helped me further understand and appreciate what I've been learning. But, I can't figure out if Neil and BBC 4 would actually interest a student 10 to 14 years younger than me.

I mean. . .there's just something about Neil. He's so passionate and smart and kind of goofy.

Every time I see him I want to make a Uranus joke. A SEXY Uranus joke.

Not so sure a fourteen year old would feel the same way. I don't think I want a fourteen year old to feel the same way.

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